I have been a massive fan of the Blue Hour magazine for over a year now and I’m delighted to have 3 poems published on their website. I have not been active on this site at all this year due to how damn busy I am but hope to return soon now that a quiet period is upon me, hopefully.
Be sure to visit The Blue Hour and check out the amazing writing happening over there. There is plenty of poetry, prose, short stories, flash fiction even art and they produce anthologies and well as establishing a small press, which as we know, always need our support.
So it’s with great pleasure I thank the editors of The Blue Hour for printing my 3 poems which you can read here and comment on. Be sure to check out the writings of Stephanie Bryant Anderson, Susan Sweetland Garay and especially Kevin Ridgeway who I have been a fan of for the last couple of years.
If you are a writer or artist, be sure to submit too as you will not find enthusiastic supportive editors like you will find at the Blue Hour. Enjoy.
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