Guest Editor of Emerge Literary Journal

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Still catching up with a few weeks of journals received in the post and I am over the moon to receive my contributor’s copy of  Emerge Literary Journal Summer 2013 where I was guest editor/reader.

Now, let’s be clear, I was more a reader/helper in deciding which poems/fiction made the cut; which needed more work and touching up, when it is really Ariana D. Den Bleyker, editor, founder, and master of the journal who puts in all the hard work, time, dedication, love, and I am proud to work with Ariana and be part of the team.

Proud, simply because it is the likes of Ariana and small online journals that are providing quality writing and platforms for new and established writers, spreading their hard work on the internet as well as in print. These journals do not have big arts grants (actually no grants at all) and rely on their own money and selling some of the journals they sweat over creating, which is why, when I come along a journal I like, I will always purchase a copy to add to my collection.

As for the Summer 2013 edition I received in the post, it is fantastic to see some of the poems and stories I had the privilege of reading and deciding to include in the journal. The journal is gorgeous with amazing writing from Jake Russell, Larissa Nash, Lyn Lifshin, Kelly Miller, Suzanne Samples and I could go on here, so many different themes, moods, images, the journal is outstanding.

Along in the post with this journal was another journal, Scissors & Spackle, another fine small online and print platform and format. As from last April, Emerge has taken over Scissors & Spackle, which basically means that Ariana now has on her hands, two websites to run, two submission boxes to control, Chap Book submissions to view, an upcoming chapbook competition in December (enter here) with former editor-in-chief, Jenny Catlin to judge, so a ton of work by a few people for the enjoyment of the public and lovers of fine literature.

So, as of now, I will be a ghost-judge for the chapbook competition as well as a guest reader/editor for Scissors & Spackle and Emerge which I am delighted to do and be part off. Scissors & Spackle concentrates more on fiction as well as some poetry and is a gorgeous journal and as well as Emerge Literary Journal, both worth submitting too.


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