The Creation Of A New Super Poetry Group

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For the past couple of years I have attended a poetry workshop slash creative writing class to help me burst out of my writing shell and pen more poems, basically keep me preoccupied with poetry. While attending these classes, classes that always seemed to fall on a Tuesday evening, I met other eager poets, some experienced, others just starting out, and through many of the classes I met some great people who came to know each other’s work, to become friends, and now, to set up their own poetry group.

Welcome and take a bow ‘The Tuesday Knights’ yes, our selected group name for 7 poets who have gathered together over a space of two years every Tuesday night, well, not technically every Tuesday night, but at different times of the year and at different workshop seasons so to speak, under the watchful guidance of the poet Kevin Higgins who’s teaching and constructive helpful criticism has made many writers in the town of Galway stronger, braver, mature, and now has led 7 poets to come together to create a writing group and share ideas.

An even more daring reason why such 7 wonderful people should gather together on a more regular basis is the fact that we are planning to publish our first book of poetry hopefully come November which has each of us quaking with excitement and anticipation of partaking the whole process on ourselves, an exciting challenge, to edit, review each other’s work, to choose 7 of our best poems, to finalize the draft with our own cover design, and to finally send it off to the publisher should be an eye-opener and learning process for each individual.

Who Are The Tuesday Knights?

Yes, as I said there are 7 of us who have to partake in the creative writing classes with Kevin Higgins, classes I strongly recommend here, and the 7 are myself, Anne Irwin, Dave Donovan, Ruth Quinlan, Eileen Ni Shuilleabhain, Bernie Ashe and Breege Wardein and each of us are completely different poets, many diverse styles and each with a talented voice of their own, which will make a very exciting book indeed.

I intend to regularly update this site with the progress and how we are doing, how the learning process is coming along, what the group is up to in terms of readings and gatherings. When a group of amazing minds gets together expect some poetry of grandeur coming your way. Come visit plus join our Facebook group here.


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2 Responses

  1. Ariana Den Bleyker

    Fine group of poets. Have had the honor of publishing four of them. Hope to see more of their work in the future. Perhaps the three that haven’t submitted will do so soon.

  2. sherbet

    Thank you Ariana, and Emerge is on of the finest literary journals around and I shall put it to the rest of the group to submit.

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