Van Gogh’s Ear Releases The James Dean Tribute Edition and It’s Awesome

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Van Gogh’s Ear Volume 10: The James Dean Tribute Edition

Van Gogh's Ear Volume 10: The James Dean Tribute EditionWhen I had my poem published on The Original Van Gogh’s Ear website it was one of my proudest publications as I’m a huge fan of the journal.

Van Gogh’s Ear Anthology was inspired by Allen Ginsberg and originally created by Ian Ayres. And now Tina Faye Ayers, editor, has created a brilliant literature and art feast beast of a special edition called The James Dean Tribute Edition, which is packed full of outstanding interviews about 犀利士
rel=”noopener noreferrer”>James Dean which I found amazingly informative considering my knowledge about James Dean was very small.

There are also stories about Dean from close friends and people he worked with, art and photography, and a lot of outstanding poetry, I would love to name each person but I’d be here all night, there truly is a lot of excellent material in one online journal I can not recommend enough that you should buy it.

The art alone is just stunning. It took me around 3 hours last night to get through the whole edition, well worth the price of just 8 dollars. Check it out on Amazon, and last night I just found out, no Kindle is necessary, which is perfect since I do not own one.

Tina Faye Ayers has put in a lot of hard work and you can see this in the format and selection of amazing people she has brought together. Go check it out and you can read my poem here on the site. Enjoy



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