The Galway publication Skylight 47 is becoming one of Irelands best literature papers and I’m delighted to have a poem published in issue 5. This issue has an interview with Louis De Paor, reviews of Alan Jude Moore’s excellent and highly recommended book ‘Zinger‘ and Edward O’Dwyer’s book ‘The Rain on Cruise’s Street’.
Packed with tons of poetry, I’m delighted to be in fine company alongside Anne Irwin, Kate Dempsey, James O’Toole, Noel King, Lorna Shaughnessy, Maurice Devitt and Ruth Quinlan who has two poems, one stunning piece appearing on the back page which is worth the purchase alone. You can buy Skylight 47 in shops around Galway and Dublin and I highly recommend it.
On another note, I had the privilege of meeting Sabina Browne in Galway recently who works for the Russian newspaper Nasha Gazeta, Dublin Edition and I was interviewed for the paper as well as having 3 poems translated into Russian which is quite exciting and my first translations.
We chatted, had coffee and worked on the poems in The Kitchen at the Museum. Sabina is planning a book of Irish, predominantly Galway based poets choosing poems from each poet and translating them i犀利士
nto Russian. She also wants to organize Russian/Irish poetry nights which I am excited about and hope to get involved. You can view this interview and translations here.
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